Our team offers a range of services to strengthen participants’ assisted living experience. Services include: 

Learn more about our services by contacting our friendly team



You can trust that we have you covered with our home and living support. We have many different home and living options to choose from, whether you’re going out, need a change of scenery, want a little extra support, or are ready for something new altogether, we will be sure to cater to your needs with one of our many options. 



Individualised Living Options (ILO) 

Short Term Accommodation (respite)

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)

Assistance with Daily Life

Supported Independent Living (SIL) Vacancies


Under the NDIS, community activities have the ability to support people with a disability and unite them with the rest of the community. 

It’s a way for people to get out and about, meet new people and try new things. It can be anything from signing up for an art class, going to the movies or out to lunch, learning to play an instrument or many other activities. 

At Local Care Solutions, there are many ways for people to try different activities, it’s completely up to the participant and what they would like to try! 

In addition to joining clubs or partaking in new activities, we can also help participants to volunteer for worthy causes. 

Social and Community Participation services are funded under one of the following in an NDIS plan.


Our supportive team assists participants in strengthening their skillsets, enabling more independence within the house, as well as out in the community. We help participants increase skills such as learning to cook, clean, go out banking and purchase groceries.

Capacity Building can pay for therapies or services that help improve someone’s independence, and builds on their skills. Capacity Building support packages can help build independence; funds can be used to purchase any approved individual support within a specific category; there is flexibility if you need to change what type of support you are receiving. 

There are nine Capacity Building support categories. Participants will not receive funding for all nine; the goals outlined in the NDIS plan determine the categories participants will receive funding for.

Coordination of Supports

This is support that connects you with informal, mainstream and funded supports so that participants can get the most out of their NDIS plan and make sure the supports is being delivered as promised.

There are three different layers of Coordination of Supports: Support Connection Short-term assistance, Support Coordination Ongoing support, and Specialist Support Coordination A time-limited service.

Finding and Keeping a Job

Support to find and maintain employment through all stages of life. If an individual has been approved for funding in this category, they could find a service provider who specialises in employment for people with disability to help update resumes, apply for jobs in supported or open employment, help prepare for a job interview or assist with school-to-work transition.

Increased Social and Community Participation

Short-term or ongoing support to strengthen ability to manage life independently and participate in the community. Can include support to participate in community access programs or group activities.

Improved Living Arrangements

Help with funding and applying for shared or independent accommodation and assistance with managing rental agreements and responsibilities.

Improved Relationships

This includes social skills and development and behaviour intervention supports where necessary. 

Improved Life Choices

Can include plan management support, financial assistance and training to improve organisational and self-management skills. 

Improved Daily Living

This support covers assessment, therapy and/or training by a professional such as an occupational therapist, physiotherapist or registered nurse, including Early Childhood Intervention. 

Improved Health and Wellbeing

Physical wellbeing activities such as personal training sessions, and nutrition advice can help maintain a healthy lifestyle. These supports can be funded by the NDIS if health, physical and wellbeing difficulties are directly attributable to the disability. 

Improved Learning

Help to research and apply for study or training opportunities. If someone receives funding in this category, as an example, they can engage a service provider to help with the transition from school to university.


Here at Local Care Solutions we are able to offer support and assist participants get the most out of their NDIS plan.

To ensure that a plan best meets the needs of the participants follow this checklist :

What should be brought to a planning meeting? 

  • The participation booklet 
  • Any letters from NDIA 
  • Participants bank account details 
  • Participants myGov login and password and details 

What items should be checked off during the pre-meeting list?

  • Fill out booklet two - Planning, including the usual weeks, things that are working well and if there is anything that needs to be changed. 
  • Write down any questions you’d like to ask. 
  • Decide who else will come to the meeting. 
  • Gather any information or reports that might be helpful for the NDIS to understand the impact of the disability and circumstances.
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